ആല്‍ ഫബെറ്റിക്കില്‍ ഇത്രയും ഉണ്ടൊ


The ABC “s of Happiness
Aspire to reach your potential.Believe in yourself .
Create a good life .
ream about what you might become .
Exercise frequently .
Forgive honest mistakes.
Glorify the creative spirit .
Humor yourself and others .
Imagine great things.
Joyfully live each day .
Kindly help others .
Love one another.
Meditate daily..
Nurture the environment ..
Organize for harmonious action .
raise performance weel done .
Question most things .
egulate your own behavior .
Smile often.
Think rationally .
Understand your self.
Value life .
Work for the common good .
X-ray and carefully examine problems .
Yearn to improve.
Zestfully pursue happiness ..

by net

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